Hamilton Master Plan, 2024
A Master Plan is a long-term planning document that guides the overall character, growth, and development of a community. Required under Massachusetts law (M.G.L. ch 41 §81D), a Master Plan provides “a basis for decision making regarding the long-term physical development of the municipality.” State law requires that a Master Plan include the following elements: 1. Goals and Policies statement guided by “an interactive public process, to determine community values, goals and to identify patterns of development that will be consistent with these goals”; 2. Land Use Plan (including a land use plan map); 3. Housing “to provide a balance of local housing opportunities for all citizens”; 4. Economic Development; 5. Natural and Cultural Resources; 6. Open Space and Recreation; 7. Public Services and Facilities; 8. Transportation Circulation; and 9. An Implementation program outlining “specific municipal actions necessary to achieve the objectives of each element of the master or study plan.”
Hamilton updated its Master Plan in 2024 after an expansive multi-year planning effort which included several opportunities for public engagement and input. After advancing a community vision, and discussion of goals and key issues and opportunities unique to Hamilton, the Plan is structured around three core objectives, including to PROTECT Hamilton’s natural resources, open spaces and recreational amenities, and cultural and historic resources; to PROVIDE high quality community facilities and services and transportation resources for Hamilton residents; and to GROW the community through economic development efforts, housing and residential development, and appropriate land use strategies. The Master Plan also includes an Implementation Matrix to guide implementation of the Plan’s goals and objectives and summaries of public input provided for the Plan in its appendices.
Beginning in 2025, the Planning Board will pursue implementation efforts of the Master Plan. We hope you will lend your voice to continued community discussions regarding Hamilton’s shared future.
The link below takes readers to the complete Master Plan:
Town of Hamilton Master Plan 2024