Hamilton Town Manager Joseph Domelowicz invites residents to attend a community presentation on Thursday, March 28 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Room at Hamilton Town Hall.
The Town Manager and Patton Homestead Director Kaleigh Pare will present the Patton Homestead Business Plan, which is designed to support the operating budget of the Patton Homestead and allow for public and private programming of the grounds and facilities over the next two to three years.
“This business plan serves to take advantage of the Patton Homestead property as a resource to the community and provide recreational and event opportunities for individuals, groups and corporate partners,” said Domelowicz. “We have accomplished a great deal in the past six months to be able to positon the Patton Homestead in a way that it can start to be more widely used for public and private events, but we still have a lot to do and we need the community’s support while we implement this business plan.”
“Since the fall we have hired a Patton Director, who has done a wonderful job developing this business plan, we have moved the Hamilton Historical Society to the Homestead to raise their profile in the community and give them an appropriate place to exhibit their collection and we are actively pursuing partnerships and rental opportunities to help the Homestead generate some of its own operating revenue,” continued Domelowicz.
In addition, the town’s partnerships with the Wenham Museum, Patton Homestead Inc. and other community organizations is helping to develop additional events for the community and revenue generating opportunities to renovate the Homestead for enhanced future uses.