
Update from the School Building Committee re: the Elementary School Project

The School Building Committee thanks everyone for their interest in the Hamilton-Wenham Elementary School Project. The committee greatly appreciates input, as it plays a vital role in the important initiative for the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District. The project is dynamic and continually evolving, with new information surfacing weekly. For the most recent information about the … Continued

Now View Real Estate & Personal Property Bills Online!!

Follow these instructions on how to view your Real Estate or Personal Property Tax bills online: On the Town of Hamilton’s website, choose Quicklinks, then choose Pay Bills. Click on the Real Estate Tax box, then click on the Unipay link. Once you are at Unipay, choose Real Estate or Personal Property, then enter in … Continued

REMINDER that most of the Town Hall offices have moved!!

These offices are now set up at the Patton Homestead: Town Manager, Town Clerk, Planning, Conservation, Finance, Treasurer/Collector, and Assessors. The Building Dept. is now set up in the back of the Council on Aging/Senior Center and the Health Department is on the second floor. The Dept. of Public Works will remain at Town Hall, … Continued