
Capital Committee

Mission The Hamilton Capital Committee (CapCom) will help the Town to understand, and consider the relative need, timing and cost of capital expenditures and the effect capital expenditures may have on the financial condition of the Town. It shall act as an effective advisory board to review anticipated capital projects, and to help make annual recommendations … Continued

Complete Streets Committee

Vision The purpose of this policy is to enable the Town of Hamilton to provide safe, convenient, and accessible routes for all users of local roadways, trails, and transit systems; including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motorists, buses, and emergency vehicles. This Complete Streets Policy will focus on establishing a connected and integrated network to serve … Continued

Household Hazardous Waste Day

Saturday, October 4, 2025 9 A.M. – 12 P.M. This annual event is run by a private company that charges a fee for taking away items. Please contact them directly at 781-380-7100 with questions. Fees for 2025 will be posted when available. This event is for residents of Hamilton and Wenham only. ID may be … Continued

Trash Information

Collection Info & Schedule Each street receives trash collection services on the same day each week. Click here for the collection schedule by street.  All trash bins should be curbside by 7 A.M. on your pick-up day. If trash is put out later than 7 A.M., haulers have no obligation to return to collect that … Continued

Yard Waste Information

Town Landfill The Hamilton landfill is located at 500 Chebacco Road. The landfill is open to residents of Hamilton only (no commercial companies). The DPW accept branches (up to 5″ in diameter), brush, grass clippings, mulch, compost, soil and materials must be designated into separate piles. Leaves and stones are not accepted. The landfill is … Continued