
Public Records Request

Records Access Officer The following person has been designated as the Records Access Officer for the Town of Hamilton pursuant to the Public Records Law. All Public Records requests should be directed to this person using the contact information provided below. Public Records Requests may be made in-person, mail or electronic mail.       … Continued

How to Pay Online

Overview If you would like to pay your Real Estate/Personal Property, Motor Vehicle, and Boat Excise Taxes or Water Bills online, just follow these simple instructions: 1. Have your current bill and checkbook on hand. If you experience problems with your routing number UniPay has provided a tip: Do not use a deposit slip to … Continued

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills

Quarterly Tax Bills Real Estate and personal property bills are issued on a quarterly basis as follows: Important Information Regarding Mailing of RE/PP Bills – FY 2024 In response to our Hamilton taxpayers, the Town has decided to mail Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills each quarter, instead of mailing two quarters with one … Continued

Mailbox Location for Tax Payments

The Town has provided a Mailbox located on the left entrance to Town Hall next to the handicap ramp. Payments can be left after hours and will be considered to have a received date of the next business day.