
October Flu Vaccine Clinics @COA Oct 15, Oct 29

The Council on Aging (COA) will offer two flu vaccine clinics in October. Pre-registration is requested. The vaccine clinics will take place Tuesday, October 15, from 3-5 p.m. and Tuesday, October 29, from 1:30-4 p.m. at the Hamilton Senior Center at 299 Bay Road. Please bring insurance card. Covid vaccines will not be offered at this time. … Continued


Although many Town Hall offices have moved to the Patton Homestead, the mailing address for Town Hall is still P.O. Box 429, Hamilton, MA 01936. Please send all mail to the P.O. Box or use the Drop Box at the Senior Center parking lot. Both of these are secure and checked every week day. The … Continued

Update from the School Building Committee re: the Elementary School Project

The School Building Committee thanks everyone for their interest in the Hamilton-Wenham Elementary School Project. The committee greatly appreciates input, as it plays a vital role in the important initiative for the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District. The project is dynamic and continually evolving, with new information surfacing weekly. For the most recent information about the … Continued