

The Select Board functions as the Chief Executive body of the Town. Its five members are elected to three-year terms with one or two seats up for election each year. The Board acts as the chief policy making body of the Town and directly supervises the activities of the Town Manager. The Town Manager is responsible for supervising the day-to-day operation of all town departments falling under the direct control of the Select Board.


The Select Board generally meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M., except when Monday falls on a holiday. While the Town Hall is under renovation, meetings are held in person in the meeting room at the Hamilton-Wenham Library. As a courtesy to the public, Zoom access is available through the link provided on the meeting agenda. However, meetings will proceed as scheduled and will not be adjourned due to any technical issues affecting the Zoom broadcast. Check the Events Calendar on the website for scheduled meetings dates and agendas.

Meetings are broadcasted live on your local cable public access station. Recordings by HWCam are posted on You-Tube in the days following each meeting.

Meeting minutes are posted on the website after they have been reviewed and formally approved at a subsequent meeting.


Name Term
Caroline Q. Beaulieu Chair 4/2025
William W. Wilson Vice Chair 4/2026
Thomas B. Myers Clerk 4/2025
William A. Olson Board Member 4/2027
Rosemary I. Kennedy Board Member 4/2027


Name Contact
Joseph J. Domelowicz Town Manager 978-626-5202
Cyndi Farrell Assistant to Town Manager 978-626-5202