Organic Waste Program – Acceptable Items
Hamilton’s Organic Waste recycling is a mandatory program. Each week, when regular trash is collected, a separate truck will pick up your organic waste in your green composting bin. The compost is processed at Black Earth Compost where it is turned into a Premium Organic Compost, and Loam Compost Mix. You may line your container with newspapers, use paper bags to contain the waste or use BPI certified compostable bags.
Black Earth Compost Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions
Starting in April 2012, the Town of Hamilton began picking up organic waste curbside weekly from all households.
The Town issued one official 13 Gallon Compost Container and one kitchen counter collection container per eligible property. The 13 Gallon Organic Waste Container has the MassDEP’s hot stamped on the side.
For residences, businesses and private roads that share driveways and trash pick up sites it is strongly recommended that you mark your containers with an identifier easy for you to see and hard to remove so that your containers do not get confused with your neighbors. (Street No., etc.)
You may use paper bags or a compostable bag certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI).
The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) is a not-for-profit association of key individuals and groups from government, industry and academia. For more information visit
To ensure that the products you buy and use are truly compostable, look for the BPI logo to provide assurance of compost ability or biodegradability.
You may purchase additional 13 gallon waste containers at the Hamilton Town Hall for $29.00. Please do NOT put additional waste in paper bags next to your organic waste container. They will NOT be picked up.