Background of the Mass. Veterans’ Services Program
VeteransBackground of the Mass. Veterans’ Services Program
Services have been provided to Massachusetts Veterans and their dependents since 1861 to insure that no individual who served his or her state and nation with honor during times of war or other conflicts, would ever be “pauperized” or forced to turn to public welfare for assistance.
Soldiers Relief Act passed in 1888, which gave cities and towns the right to support honorably discharged veterans their spouses, widows, and minor children.
Office of the Commissioner of Veterans’ Services created in 1945.
Chapter 115 of MGL reorganized in 1946 to form basis of veterans’ benefits and services program. Acts of 1946 mandated municipal and district Departments ofVeterans’ Services, Veterans’ Agents and Directors of Veterans’ Services.
In the 1960’s Georgetown joined with Topsfield, Groveland, West Newbury, Newbury and Rowley to create the Northern Essex Veterans’ Services District.
Topsfield departed the district in the 1980’s, and the Northern Essex District dissolved in 2002, with Georgetown, Rowley and West Newbury joining with the existing Eastern Essex District to insure continuity of services to their veterans.