
The significant lack of rainfall this summer has caused dangerously low water levels in the Ipswich River Watershed.

The Hamilton Water Department again reminds residents about the need to conserve water and abide by the water ban policies.

The decreasing water level causes increased stress on the town’s groundwater wells, filtration process, and ability to produce enough water to serve the public and maintain appropriate fire protection levels.

To get an idea of how low the water levels have dropped, the current level at the Willowdale Gauge is only 0.27 ft/s, while the safe water level according to the town’s state water permit should be at or above 52.5 ft/s.

In response, the Hamilton Select Board voted on July 15 to implement Enhanced Water Ban measures. Since then, there has been very little rain. Despite the enhanced water ban, the Hamilton wells are not recovering.

The Enhanced Water Ban measures remain in place, which means all outdoor sprinklers, including drip irrigation systems, are prohibited in Hamilton. Hand watering is permitted. The restrictions apply to both town water system users and private wells. The ban will remain in effect until lifted by the Hamilton Select Board.

The town is permitted by state law to withdraw water for essential functions such as drinking water, farm crops, and firefighting. Excessive usage of water from the Ipswich River, such as for watering residential gardens, imposes strain on the town’s water pumps and diminishes water pressure in the system.

The imposition of stricter water controls is not only required by the state permit and town by-law (Chapter XXV, section 5), but also a prudent step to ensure access to drinking water, water for farms, and firefighting.

The Hamilton Water Department is grateful for the cooperation of all residents in adhering to the Enhanced Water Ban, including those reliant on well water, as most of the town’s water supply originates from the same source.