Ongoing vandalism, piles of trash, and damage to the Patton Park restrooms have led Town Manager Joseph Domelowicz Jr. to order the restrooms closed indefinitely. The DPW and Recreation departments have closed off the restrooms, and Domelowicz ordered portable restrooms.
Domelowicz issued the closure order on Wednesday, Sept. 28, after three consecutive days of vandalism. It culminated on Tuesday night when one of the doors was pulled off its hinges.
“I will work with Sean (Timmons, Hamilton-Wenham Recreation Director) and Tim (Olson, DPW Director) to begin a dialogue with large park users – little leagues, youth football, flag football, etc. – to get their help in advocating for proper behavior and respect of town facilities,” Domelowicz wrote in an email to the Select Board. “I will also work with the HPD to find a way to better secure the facility before we decide when to reopen.”
Domelowicz said town leaders have been dealing with poor behavior and disrespect since the beginning of the summer.
“It is a waste of town resources to continually have to have staff there to repair, clean, and resecure the restrooms,” he said.