Street lighting constitutes as significant portion of municipal energy consumption and expenditures. In Hamilton, street lighting accounts for 14% of total municipal electricity usage.  Hamilton is in the process of converting all street lighting from High Pressure Sodium technology to Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology in an effort to reduce energy usage and standardize certain fixture types and styles.  The retrofit will also create a unified aesthetic appearance for the Town.

The conversion is projected to reduce street light energy consumption by 60% annually.  The Town will also enjoy these other benefits:

  • Reduced maintenance costs due to longer fixture life
  • Visible commitment to efficiency
  • Improved safety through enhanced visibility
  • Decreased light trespass and pollution
  • Instant-on
  • No mercury, lead, or other known disposable hazards

Project Financials

This project is being 80% funded with a Green Communities Grant through the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources.  Hamilton was eligible to apply for the funding due to its status as a designated Green Community, achieved in 2010.  Below is a table showing the project financials:
Item Cost
Construction Cost $274,041
Utility Incentives $30,000
Green Communities Grant $188,652
Town Contribution $55,000
Estimated Annual Energy Savings $24,953