

For important updates and information regarding public health, click here to follow our Town of Hamilton Board of Health Facebook page


U.S. households will be eligible to order 4 free COVID-19 tests at COVIDTests.gov. The COVID-19 Tests will detect current COVID-19 variants and can be used through the end of the year.


We have received COVID test kits and they are available, free of charge, at the front desk at the Council on Aging. There are two tests in each box. One per resident, please.


The Town of Hamilton Health Department is pleased to announce the availability to all homeowners of a new Septic Loan Program funded by the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust.  This program will allow homeowners whose septic system has failed Title V inspection to borrow at a low 4% interest rate for up to 20 years the money to repair or replace it.  Click here for information about the program and here for a loan application.


The Hamilton Board of Health has issued the following two statements, one dated 6/23, and an addendum dated 10/23, to the HW Regional School District concerning the use of artificial turf in the proposed new athletic facility project. Click below to view.


Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Update [updated 1-12-24]

The MA Department of Agricultural Resources and its partner agencies have depopulated and disposed of a non-commercial, mixed-species backyard flock (non-poultry) in Barnstable County, Massachusetts due to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).  Birds on the affected premise exhibited clinical signs consistent with HPAI and tested positive for the disease.

MDAR is advising backyard and commercial poultry owners to practice strong biosecurity measures to prevent domestic poultry from having contact with wild birds, their feathers, and droppings. The HPAI virus is continuing to circulate in the wild bird population, particularly in wild waterfowl. Eliminating standing water and preventing domestic birds from having access to ponds, streams, and wetland areas that attract wild waterfowl is of critical importance.

Visit MDAR’s Poultry Page for biosecurity resources: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/poultry-program

REPORT sick or dead birds

Domestic:   617-626-1795 or online Poultry Disease Reporting Form: https://www.mass.gov/forms/poultry-disease-reporting-form

Wild:   Department of Fish and Game, Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife)


Visit USDA’s 2022-2023 HPAI Detection Page for information on cases in Wild birds, Domestic poultry and Mammals:https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/2022-hpai



Public Health clinics for the flu and bivalant boosters have ended. Residents are encouraged to seek vaccines from their health care provider or health care clinic.  If a resident can’t receive one elsewhere they can call the Public Health Nurse.

Vaccine and booster shots are available at CVS https://www.cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine and Walgreens https://walgreens.com/_

*Click on the links below for more information about COVID-19 Booster Shots:

COVID-19 booster frequently asked questions | Mass.gov

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots | CDC

Click here for all COVID-19 Information including testing and vacinations ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mission Statement

The Board of Health is responsible for the overall stewardship of the public health and environmental protection of the town. Responsibilities are defined both by local by-laws and state law. The Board promotes, enacts, and enforces all health and environmental laws, rules and regulations.

Additionally the Board of Health conducts health clinics, participates in education programs wherever possible and administers the contracts for a food inspection program, a public health nurse, communicable disease follow-up program, and animal inspection services.

The Board of Health is a 3-member board (moderated by Peter M. Mirandi).












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Name Term
David B. Smith Chair 6/30/2027
Giselle K. Perez, Ph.D. 6/30/2025
Jean E. Ramsey, M.D. M.P.H. 6/30/2025
Caroline Beaulieu Select Board Liason 5/1/2024


Name Contact
Peter M. Mirandi Director of Health Services
Kerrin Nixon Administrative Assistant 978-626-5245
Hayes Demeule Animal Health Inspector 978-468-1212
Greg Bernard Septic Inspector 978-626-5244
Judith Ryan, RN, BSN Public Health Nurse phone: 978-626-5238 fax: 978-248-1046
TBA Regional Public Health Nurse
Jessie Palm, LICSW Regional Social Worker 978-626-5243