Walk-in services are not available during Town Hall construction. Please call the DPW to schedule an appointment.


The Department of Public Works (DPW) is a multifaceted facility that oversees the Town’s Water Department, Highway Division, Building Maintenance, Waste Disposal, Parks and Grounds, and Cemetery Department.
The DPW fully supports the Town of Hamilton by providing public services including maintaining and improving the street conditions; operating town-controlled traffic signs and pavement markings; providing a safe and reliable public water source; and by planning and implementing delivery of capital projects.

During the Town Hall renovations project, walk-in service is not available. Appointments must be scheduled in advance.

Renovation Updates 

  • Schedule an Appointment – The Hamilton DPW and Water Department administration offices have relocated to 587 Bay Road, Unit B. The relocation is necessary due to the Town Hall renovation project. During the construction period, the administration offices will be open during regular Town Hall hours by-appointment-only. To schedule an appointment, residents should call the DPW at 978-626-5227 or the Water Department at 978-626-5226.  Appointments may also be scheduled via email at [email protected]
  • Buying Stickers – Mattress Stickers will be for sale at 587 Bay Rd. Unit B (by-appointment-only). Please call 978-626-5227 to schedule an appointment.  Bulk Stickers are for sale at Crosby’s Marketplace and the Hamilton Convenience Store.
  • DPW Yard – During renovations, the DPW yard (behind Town Hall) is temporarily closed to the public, excepting for E-Waste Day on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm.
  • Bill Payments – Water Bill payments are NOT accepted at the DPW – Residents should pay water bills my mail, in-person at the Treasurer’s Office, or they can make payments online.
  • Salt & Sand Pile – A free sand/salt pile for residents to prepare for snow storms will be available at the lower parking lot of the Patton Homestead starting 1/23/25. Please bring your own bucket and shovel. Sand is for residential use only and not for commercial use. 

Roles and Responsibilities

Timothy Olson is the DPW Director in Hamilton.
Peter Cobb is the DPW Assistant Director.
Dolores Sheehan is the DPW Administrative Assistant
Gail Hannable, Water Department Administrative Assistant


Name Contact
Timothy Olson Director of Public Works 978-626-5227
Peter Cobb Assistant Director of Public Works 978-626-5227
Gail Hannable Water Department Administrative Assistant 978-626-5226
Dolores Sheehan DPW Administrative Assistant 978-626-5227